Photo by Hrayr Movsisyan on Unsplash

Video trends · 7 min read

Tips for creating a live stream that every live streamer should know

Creating a live stream can be daunting, but not with's beginner guide to planning, marketing and broadcasting for the first time!

Erikka Innes · May 4, 2021

Choosing the right bitrate for your OBS live stream text

Video trends · 7 min read

Choosing the right bitrate for your OBS live stream

OBS is a powerful, versatile tool for live streaming. This guide will walk you through the basics of how to choose the right bitrate for your live stream.

Erikka Innes · April 29, 2021


Video trends · 9 min read

How to do professional lighting for your live stream without breaking the bank

Lighting your live stream properly will make it look professional. It can increase viewership and cut down on technical issues. Check out these tips and tricks for lighting on a budget.

Erikka Innes · April 28, 2021

Bathroom with shelves

Video trends · 4 min read

How video marketing can help you sell your products and services

Learn what kinds of videos to use during different phases of the customer journey to help them choose your product over a competitor's! can help you encode, store, and deliver all your video content with great analytics information about how well your content does.

Erikka Innes · April 27, 2021

Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

Video trends · 3 min read

How does video content boost your SEO and site ranking?

Video content can boost your SEO, increase site ranking, and convert more customers. Find out how!

Erikka Innes · April 26, 2021

The code behind the magic: the <video> tag

Video trends · 5 min read

The code behind the magic: the <video> tag

Whenever you see a video playing on the web, you can thank the venerable < video > tag. Introduced with HTML5 in 2008, it has been supported in browsers going back to Internet Explorer 9. In this post, we'll walk through some common attributes and uses of the video tag, from short videos to video streams. When you use, the video player that plays the stream still uses the video tag. If we look at the source of the webpage that uses an player link, we see, deep in the recesses of the divs, the < video > tag.

Doug Sillars · April 23, 2021

Extract Frames

Tutorials · 2 min read

Extract a set of frames from a video with FFMPEG and Python

Extract a set of images (frames) from your video that are evenly spaced throughout using FFMPEG and Python. If you want, at the end you can stitch the frames back together into a video that can be used as a video preview or trailer.

Erikka Innes · April 22, 2021


Tutorials · 2 min read

When your token expires, hit refresh and protect your API key

Use refresh tokens to avoid exposing your api credentials when your access token expires.

Erikka Innes · April 21, 2021

collage of team

Product updates · 5 min read

2021: Wrapping up a great Q1 at

We’re wrapping up a huge Q1 at! This is the perfect moment for a review of what happened these last weeks and what our next milestones are.

Cédric Montet · April 20, 2021

plot of views

Tutorials · 13 min read

Using analytics to analyze where to edit a video

Learn how to use some simple pandas commands and analytics visualization tools to figure out where a video could be edited or improved upon.

Erikka Innes · April 19, 2021