netflix screenshot

Tutorials · 9 min read

Resume a video

Would you like to use session data to resume videos for your users? You can use the resume a video application to track each user's progress with the video, and then start the video at the last point their viewing was tracked.

Doug Sillars · January 12, 2021

playlist icon

Tutorials · 6 min read

How to create Video Playlists with's Player SDK

Use the player and the player SDK to create a video playlist.

Doug Sillars · January 7, 2021

watch a livestream

Tutorials · 3 min read

Watching a Livestream

How to build a simple page to show a livestream broadcast (or just an image if the stream is not broadcasting).

Doug Sillars · January 4, 2021

View out my window

Tutorials · 6 min read

Video streaming with a Raspberry Pi

At the birth of the internet, we had webcams that took a picture every x minutes. Now, anyone can set up a live stream of video - with just a camera and a network connection. This kicks off a series of posts experimenting with live streaming video. In this post, we'll use a Raspberry Pi.

Doug Sillars · December 29, 2020

Delegated token

Tutorials · 9 min read

Private video upload with a public token

Public (delegated) tokens allow for video upload without authentication. In this post we'll create a single use public token, and use it to create private, non-downloadable videos.

Doug Sillars · December 17, 2020

animated GIF of a man doing math

Product updates · 5 min read

How fast does encode video? 2H 2020 data

When you upload a video to, we transcode into video streams for your customers. We're often asked "how long will that take?" Today, we dig into the numbers to give you some numbers.

Doug Sillars · December 3, 2020 and Discord

Tutorials · 3 min read

Upload a video: Discord

Extending the "upload a video" HTML page to send the video to Discord.

Doug Sillars · November 30, 2020

big red button

Tutorials · 2 min read

Video deletion: Learn how to delete a video from your account

Sometimes, it is necessary to say goodbye. In this post, we walk through the steps required to delete a video from your account.

Doug Sillars · November 23, 2020

video content, machine learning, moderator, AI moderator

Tutorials · 9 min read

Video moderation with machine learning

Are you losing sleep thinking about the videos your customers are uploading to your site? In this post, we'll walk through a demo application that incorporates video moderation with AI, enabling you to categorise all uploaded content, and only display the content that is appropriate for your customers.

Doug Sillars · November 13, 2020

So you want to build a video streaming service

Video trends · 4 min read

So you want to build a video streaming service

So, you want to add video to your site. Should you build the video delivery infrastructure yourself? You certainly can, but there is a lot of nuance and complication that you must also manage. In this post, we'll walk through everything you need to build your own streaming service.

Doug Sillars · November 6, 2020