priavte sign

Product updates · 3 min read

Private live streams

With private live streams, you can be sure that your live video is not being shared outside your expected audience - perfect for live concert streaming, or classes.

Doug Sillars · February 16, 2021

Photo by ThisIsEngineering from Pexels

Tutorials · 3 min read

Listing, retrieving, and deleting delegated tokens

You can list all delegated tokens to see which ones you want to keep or delete, retrieve details about a specific delegated token, or delete a delegated token. In this tutorial you'll learn how to do all of this in Python!

Erikka Innes · February 16, 2021

Uploading progress bar

Tutorials · 6 min read

Delegated uploads for videos large and small

With delegated uploads, you can protect your API key and authentication tokens. Instead, you can authenticate with a delegated token where you can control how long it lasts and delete it if you no longer need it. This tutorial goes over everything you'll need to start trying delegated uploads!

Erikka Innes · February 12, 2021

Upload a big video file using Python

Tutorials · 14 min read

Upload a big video file using Python

If you try to upload big files in Python, a common way to handle them is by breaking them into chunks. This tutorial will show you how to break your file into chunks and send the file for upload to

Erikka Innes · February 11, 2021


Tutorials · 3 min read

Helpful PHP Scripts Pt 5: Update Video Settings in Bulk Without a CSV File

If you need to update the mp4Support setting and privacy settings for your videos, this script will let you do that in bulk.

Erikka Innes · February 11, 2021

Photo by <a href="">Designecologist</a> from Pexels

Tutorials · 8 min read

Upload a video from your computer with the API (Python)

When you upload videos from your computer, you must use a two step process. First you create a container for your video, then you upload your video into your container. This code sample shows you how!

Erikka Innes · February 10, 2021

screen coding, pixels negative space

Tutorials · 4 min read

Helpful PHP Scripts Pt 4: Update Metadata for Videos Using CSV

Update metadata for your videos in bulk using this script that uses a .csv file to make the changes!

Erikka Innes · February 10, 2021

Encoding vs transcoding

Video trends · 4 min read

What is the difference between Encoding and Transcoding

Encoding and transcoding are video terms that get used interchangeably, but they actually have slightly different meanings. Discover the difference between these terms and learn what transmuxing is too.

Erikka Innes · February 9, 2021

schematic of the video pipeline

Video trends · 5 min read

Common questions about video on demand services

When adding video on demand (VOD) to your application, you might be planning to integrate a number of solutions to create your end to end service. In this post, we'll respond to many questions we receive and show how can be your end-to-end VOD delivery service, rather than fill just one specific need in your pipeline. This can save you development costs and integration issues - since there are fewer moving parts in your video streaming integration.

Doug Sillars · February 9, 2021

sharing a video via livestream

Tutorials · 14 min read

Sharing a video: sending a video via live stream

Video on demand (VOD) is a great way to give your customers a way to watch videos when *they* want to watch them. But what if you want that recorded video to be played at a specific time? This is not possible with VOD, but is possible with a video live stream. In this post, we'll walk through the steps required to convert a recorded video into a video live stream for scheduled playback.

Doug Sillars · February 9, 2021