broadcast a zoom meeting, live stream, record a zoom meeting, record a livestream

No-code · 4 min read

Start and Record a Live Stream with OBS

Use OBS to set up a live stream and record it, then display it on your own web page. Everything is set up for you on Glitch.

Erikka Innes and Doug Sillars · March 16, 2021

broadcast a zoom meeting, live stream, record a zoom meeting, record a livestream

No-code · 4 min read

Start and Record a Live Stream of Your Zoom Meeting

Doug Sillars demos how to start and record a live stream version of your Zoom meeting, then display it on your own web page!

Erikka Innes and Doug Sillars · March 15, 2021

a secure stream

Tutorials · 4 min read

Secure live streams with unique overlay

Adding a unique overlay to your sensitive live stream is a great way to prevent data leaks - no one will release a screenshot of your new product if there is a watermark on the video that says "<user's name>" across the screen, as you'll know immediately who leaked the footage. Learn how to create a custom overlay for your live stream, and keep the stream secure from sharing.

Doug Sillars · March 12, 2021

Make up and beauty products

Video trends · 7 min read

Live shopping is the new way to shop

Live shopping is a global trend with a rapidly growing market. Online, interactive sales sessions where fans interact with celebrities and influencers they admire is now one of the most popular ways to buy products. Find out if this trend is right for your business or personal brand.

Erikka Innes · March 11, 2021

difference between a GIF and a video

Video trends · 7 min read

What is the difference between a GIF and a video?

A GIF is a type of image sequence. Let's take a look at what a GIF is, what an image sequence is, and how that's different from a video even though a frame is equivalent to an image.

Erikka Innes · March 10, 2021

Animated GIF

Tutorials · 5 min read

Adding an "animated GIF" with

By default, your has a thumbnail preview - where an image "poster" is displayed. In this example, we'll add a looping animation from your video - giving a GIF-like effect to your preview.

Doug Sillars · March 9, 2021

zapier,, google sheets, integrate google and

No-code · 5 min read

Update a Google Spreadsheet Every Time You Add a Video to (Zapier)

Use Zapier to combine with Google Spreadsheets so that every time you add a video to, that information is recorded in a spreadsheet for easy review later.

Erikka Innes · March 9, 2021

FFMPEG for beginners

Video trends · 8 min read

FFMPEG for beginners: scripts for processing, converting, and streaming video

Learn about the ffmpeg CLI, some valuable resources, how commands are structured, and some useful scripts you can start with right away.

Erikka Innes · March 8, 2021

a stack of jam

Video trends · 4 min read

Using with the Jamstack is the perfect addition to your Jamstack build, allowing for videos to easily integrated into your application using our APIs and integrated video player.

Doug Sillars · March 4, 2021

Live stream with FFMpeg cli and Python

Tutorials · 8 min read

Live stream to the browser with FFMPEG CLI and Python

Learn how to set up ffmpeg and run a live stream using your Mac's web camera. Once we've got that working, we'll set up the command in a python script and after that, the sky's the limit!

Erikka Innes · March 4, 2021