Tutorials · 5 min read

Using with 3rd party video players is a full service video platform. From video upload -> transcoding -> hosting -> playback -> analytics, we can take you through the entire video delivery process from start to finish. But maybe you already have a player integrated that you'd like to continue using. No problem!! In this post, we'll walk through how to use external video players with

Doug Sillars · March 2, 2021

video with captions

Tutorials · 3 min read

Auto Caption a video

Videos with captions/subtitles are watched longer than videos without. Yet, adding captions is non-trivial. In this post, we'll walk through a sample application that takes an uploaded video, and automatically transcribes the audio and creates a caption file for the video.

Doug Sillars · February 26, 2021

Class room of students

Video trends · 9 min read

The benefits of teaching classes online with live streaming and video on demand playback

Find out why hosting your own website with livestreams and video content can be more profitable, useful, and reach more customers.

Erikka Innes · February 25, 2021

android robot

Tutorials · 4 min read

Live stream from your Android phone

Live streaming from your phone can be as involved as you'd like. In this post, we'll use a free Android application to create a live stream at In future posts, we'll build an Android streaming app.

Doug Sillars · February 24, 2021

RTMP definition

Video trends · 5 min read

What is RTMP and why do we use it for live streaming?

Find out what RTMP is, why we transcode twice - from RTMP to HLS, and what the future has in store for live streaming

Erikka Innes · February 24, 2021

sign of Gandalf "you shall not pass"

Video trends · 10 min read

You shall not pass: The benefits of token based authentication uses token based authentication in one way or another for every endpoint. See how our token based authenticated is implemented, what benefits this kind of authentication provides, and what simple best practices you can apply when working with tokens. Along the way, enjoy a few LOTR references!

Erikka Innes · February 24, 2021


No-code · 8 min read

Live stream with OBS and

Using OBS, we'll set up a live stream, connect it to, and live stream to the browser!

Erikka Innes · February 23, 2021, gmail, zapier, connect with gmail

No-code · 3 min read

Get notified by Gmail when a new video is available (Zapier)

An easy way to notify yourself or a group about the latest video update is with an email. With this Zap, you can connect to gmail and notify yourself and others with an email any time a new video is available!

Erikka Innes · February 19, 2021

What is HLS video streaming

Video trends · 7 min read

What is HLS video streaming and how does it work?

Every video ingested in our system is converted into a video stream - with multiple sizes and bitrates. This allows to serve the perfect video to each of your viewers. Perhaps that's all you want to know. But if you are curious about the internals of video streaming, read on!

Doug Sillars · February 19, 2021

Product updates · 3 min read

New feature: Video on demand webhooks

Today we are pleased to announce the launch of video on demand (VOD) webhooks. Webhooks are automated alerts that tell you when an event has occurred (like when your phone tells you you have a new email). Automatic notifications will simplify the development process - by removing the need to poll for updates. Today’s announcement includes an alert for when a video has been encoded.

Doug Sillars · February 17, 2021