Tutorials · 3 min read

Upload a video: Discord

Extending the "upload a video" HTML page to send the video to Discord.

Doug Sillars · November 30, 2020

film reels

Video trends · 13 min read

The history of video compression standards, from 1929 until now

Video compression may seem very modern, but it has a long history that goes all the way back to 1929, when it was first suggested for analog video!

Erikka Innes · June 9, 2021

Build a self guided training course with

Tutorials · 5 min read

Build a self guided training course with

When building a video training course, you may wish to guide users through the content by unlocking videos only after certain content has been viewed. In this post, we'll walk through how to build such a flow with and our session analytics.

Doug Sillars · June 28, 2021

Video Live Streaming in Just 5 Easy Steps

Video trends · 5 min read

Video live streaming in just 5 easy steps

Sharing live video is an exciting way to connect with your audience. Get a live video stream up and running in just 5 steps.

Doug Sillars · February 11, 2020

studying under magnifying glass

Tutorials · 4 min read

Understanding video Parameters: ffprobe

Have you ever wondered the settings of a video? Size, bitrate, frames per second (and more?) FFprobe is part of the FFMpeg suite, and will give you these details. This is a simple online version - where you drop the url of the video you wish to learn about, and you'll get a full output of the video's parameters.

Doug Sillars · January 29, 2021

WebRTC vs Live streaming technology

Video trends · 5 min read

Delivering live video: Streaming vs. WebRTC

At, our video streaming solution uses HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) to live stream video. Another technology we are frequently asked about is WebRTC streaming. In this post, we’ll look at the features and advantages of both, and the primary applications that they are suited for.

Doug Sillars · July 28, 2020

Netflix Screenshot

Video trends · 3 min read

Python and Java, the preferred programming languages of Netflix

Does Netflix use Python or Java to build its content delivery and recommendation system? The answer may surprise you.

Erikka Innes · May 11, 2021

Extract Frames

Tutorials · 2 min read

Extract a set of frames from a video with FFMPEG and Python

Extract a set of images (frames) from your video that are evenly spaced throughout using FFMPEG and Python. If you want, at the end you can stitch the frames back together into a video that can be used as a video preview or trailer.

Erikka Innes · April 22, 2021

Private video

Tutorials · 3 min read

Creating private videos

There are videos that you want to share with the whole world, but for other videos, you might want to restrict the audience to just a handful of people, or maybe even just one person. In this tutorial, we'll use the private video token to ensure that each view can only be watched in a unique session, and cannot be shared.

Doug Sillars · September 7, 2020

sharing a video via livestream

Tutorials · 9 min read

Sharing a video: sending a video via live stream

Video on demand (VOD) is a great way to give your customers a way to watch videos when *they* want to watch them. But what if you want that recorded video to be played at a specific time? This is not possible with VOD, but is possible with a video live stream. In this post, we'll walk through the steps required to convert a recorded video into a video live stream for scheduled playback.

Doug Sillars · February 9, 2021