Product updates

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At, we're continuously pushing for improving our product. Discover the latest news about our video API: the new releases, product updates, as well as extra insights on how to use to its fullest. Product Updates Blog articles


collage of team

Product updates · 5 min read

2021: Wrapping up a great Q1 at

We’re wrapping up a huge Q1 at! This is the perfect moment for a review of what happened these last weeks and what our next milestones are.

Cédric Montet · April 20, 2021

counting with an abacus

Product updates · 3 min read

New feature: Analytics libraries for 3rd party video players!

We've launched libraries for your favourite video players, allowing you to add's analytics into your 3rd party player!

Doug Sillars · April 1, 2021

Product updates · 4 min read

New feature: Webhooks

We're excited to announce the launch of our first webhook. Now, when you upload a video, you can get notified when each version of the video has been encoded and is ready to playback.

Doug Sillars · March 23, 2021

Product updates · 3 min read

New feature: Video on demand webhooks

Today we are pleased to announce the launch of video on demand (VOD) webhooks. Webhooks are automated alerts that tell you when an event has occurred (like when your phone tells you you have a new email). Automatic notifications will simplify the development process - by removing the need to poll for updates. Today’s announcement includes an alert for when a video has been encoded.

Doug Sillars · February 17, 2021

priavte sign

Product updates · 3 min read

Private live streams

With private live streams, you can be sure that your live video is not being shared outside your expected audience - perfect for live concert streaming, or classes.

Doug Sillars · February 16, 2021

animated GIF of a man doing math

Product updates · 5 min read

How fast does encode video? 2H 2020 data

When you upload a video to, we transcode into video streams for your customers. We're often asked "how long will that take?" Today, we dig into the numbers to give you some numbers.

Doug Sillars · December 3, 2020

Blockbuster ticket stubs that say 'Be Kind. Rewind.'

Product updates · 2 min read

DVR Features in Live streaming: or does your live stream have instant replay?

Seeking ahead or "rewinding" a video is expected in a recorded video. Did you know you can also "seek" inside a live video stream?

Doug Sillars · October 19, 2020

Product updates from September 2020

Product updates · 2 min read

New release and features: September 2020

Read about the new features we have just released to our customers!

Doug Sillars · September 7, 2020

Product Roadmap

Product updates · 3 min read Funding Announcement

We just raised $5.5M! What does that mean for our developer community?

Doug Sillars · June 25, 2020 player

Product updates · 3 min read

Announcing our new video player

Our new player is rewritten from the ground up, built on top of the video.js architecture. In addition to the new sleek look of the player, there are a lot of new features that we would like to share with you (chapters, Picture in Picture, Live DVR and more!).

Doug Sillars · May 29, 2020