Product updates

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At, we're continuously pushing for improving our product. Discover the latest news about our video API: the new releases, product updates, as well as extra insights on how to use to its fullest. Product Updates Blog articles


WordPress Plugin

Product updates · 4 min read

The New WordPress Plugin

We've launched the new WordPress plugin. In a few clicks, embed and manage all your videos from your WordPress admin.

Olivier Lando · March 16, 2022

Introducing Workspaces

Product updates · 2 min read

Introducing Workspaces

We're excited to announce that we launched a very requested feature: Workspaces. Anyone can now share their dashboard with a team member or client.

Anne-Sophie Poupard · February 22, 2022

iOS API client

Product updates · 2 min read

New Swift API client for iOS, macOS and tvOS

New Swift API client to simplify your iOS, macOS and tvOS usage. Swift API client streamlines the coding process. Chunking files is handled for you, as is pagination and refreshing your tokens.

Thibault Beyou · February 2, 2022

2021 in review

Product updates · 4 min read

2021 in review: lightning-fast video transcoding & playback and many new product features!

As the year comes to an end, we wanted to take a moment to look back at everything the team released to help you build your video products (and to share a surprise)!

Cédric Montet · December 22, 2021 dashboard

Product updates · 2 min read

Introducing our new dashboard

We're improving the dashboard experience: a complete update providing easier access to manage your videos.

Anne-Sophie Poupard · November 2, 2021

The magic behind great products

Product updates · 5 min read

The magic behind great products

How the technical performances behind help you to build great and magical products.

Cédric Montet · October 27, 2021 + Contentful logos

Product updates · 5 min read

New Contentful integration: Adding video to your site just got even easier's Contentful integration is now published in the Contentful Marketplace

Doug Sillars · October 8, 2021

Video encoding times

Product updates · 6 min read encoding times: 2H 2021 edition

When you upload a video to - how quickly can it be watched?

Doug Sillars · September 29, 2021

our new logo

Product updates · 2 min read

New logo, same mission: Connecting people through unique video experiences

We are proud to officially launch our brand new visual identity! It symbolizes a lot more than just a fresh look. Our product, our features, our values, our mission are all reflected in this brand refresh.

Anne-Sophie Poupard · September 14, 2021


Product updates · 7 min read

Why and how automated all their API clients moved from manually creating its API clients to automating all of them!

Olivier Lando · August 24, 2021