

Clip your videos

Tutorials ยท 4 min read

How to create a video clip with

Clipping is an easy way to capture short segments of on-demand videos or recorded live streams. Learn how to upload a smaller clip from a video using the Python client.

Erikka Innes ยท January 20, 2022

Watermark your videos

Tutorials ยท 4 min read

How to add watermarks to your videos

A video watermark is a visible overlay on a video. Learn how to add watermarks to your account, then choose the one you want to add to your video.

Erikka Innes ยท January 20, 2022

Tutorials ยท 2 min read

Progressive uploads with the Python client

Learn how to do a progressive video upload using the Python client and

Erikka Innes ยท December 15, 2021

Progressive Upload

Tutorials ยท 4 min read

Progressively upload large video files without compromising on speed

Step by step guide on how to use Progressive Upload for large video files.

Erikka Innes ยท December 7, 2021

image of pizza

Tutorials ยท 1 min read

Localize ads by combining personalized voice overs from Aflorithmic with

Create an ad localizer with a custom video with the correct location information for each region. You can create custom scripts for the same video with, then store your new videos and display them with

Erikka Innes ยท September 20, 2021

computer screen editing video

Tutorials ยท 9 min read

How do I change my video container without re-encoding using FFMPEG and Python?

Sometimes you can change a video container without re-encoding the contents. This is called transmuxing, and sometimes it can save you a lot of time and preserve quality since you can skip re-encoding the video.

Erikka Innes ยท September 10, 2021

image of a keyboard command key

Tutorials ยท 3 min read

Run commands from the commandline!

Use all of's features from the commandline.

Erikka Innes ยท September 8, 2021

Tutorials ยท 8 min read + Localize Advertisement Videos with Personalized Voice Overs!

Learn how to rapidly create advertisement videos with localized information and professional, high quality voice overs.

Erikka Innes ยท August 5, 2021

card catalogue drawers

Tutorials ยท 4 min read

Use Flask with Dropzone.js and Python client to upload many videos of any size

Using Dropzone.js and's Python client, upload multiple videos of any size at the same time! This tutorial shows you how.

Erikka Innes ยท June 28, 2021

Use Flask with Dropzone.js to upload videos under 128MB

Tutorials ยท 6 min read

Use Flask with Dropzone.js to upload videos under 200 MiB (no client)

Use dropzone.js with Python's flask to create a server you can use to upload videos under 200 MiB to with. This version does not use a client.

Erikka Innes ยท June 22, 2021