

swimmer false starts

Tutorials ยท 6 min read

False start: showing the video playback url before the video is ready

When your video has been uploaded to, we return the player URL. Our video encoding is VERY fast, but generally, it does take a bit of time for the video to actually be ready for playback. In this demo, we'll use our Webhooks to push a message when the encoding is ready.. Once your server receives the notification, you can display the player URL with confidence that the video will be ready to play.

Doug Sillars ยท September 7, 2021

New video uploader JavaScript library

Tutorials ยท 6 min read

New video uploader JavaScript library

Tutorial on using our new JavaScript upload library

Doug Sillars ยท August 12, 2021

now serving 25

Tutorials ยท 6 min read

Count your live stream viewers with

When you're live streaming - you want your viewers to know how many others are watching. This demo shows you how to build a counter for your live stream!

Doug Sillars ยท July 22, 2021

Build a self guided training course with

Tutorials ยท 6 min read

Build a self guided training course with

When building a video training course, you may wish to guide users through the content by unlocking videos only after certain content has been viewed. In this post, we'll walk through how to build such a flow with and our session analytics.

Doug Sillars ยท June 28, 2021

Use Flask with Dropzone.js to upload videos under 128MB

Tutorials ยท 6 min read

Use Flask with Dropzone.js to upload videos under 200 MiB (no client)

Use dropzone.js with Python's flask to create a server you can use to upload videos under 200 MiB to with. This version does not use a client.

Erikka Innes ยท June 22, 2021

terminal view of raw JSON data

Tutorials ยท 8 min read

Video event analysis using sessions

Have you ever wondered *how much* of a video has been watched? IN this tutorial, we'll analyze the session events to determine if a video was fully watched or not.

Doug Sillars ยท June 21, 2021

Youtube video library screenshot

Tutorials ยท 4 min read

Upload many files at once with HTML and JavaScript

If you can upload one video, why not two, three or more? In this tutorial, we'll extend the code from to upload many videos at once.

Doug Sillars ยท June 7, 2021

a sample chyron from a new story

Tutorials ยท 4 min read

Adding a chyron to your video: Look like the news!

A chyron is the text that appears at the bottom of the TV on news channels. Maybe you'd like to add a chyron to your live stream or recorded videos? Learn how in this post.

Doug Sillars ยท June 2, 2021

Watermarking videos

Tutorials ยท 5 min read

Watermarking your video or live stream

Many of our customers are interested in creating a watermark on their videos. Learn how in this post!

Doug Sillars ยท May 25, 2021

Restaurant signage written "Chapter One"

Tutorials ยท 5 min read

Video Chapters: Using external buttons for controls

Video chapters help your users 'skip ahead' to the bit of the video they wish to see. The player has chapter functionality built in, but learn how to use external buttons to do the same thing!

Doug Sillars ยท May 19, 2021