Video trends

Guides and insights from the Video Industry

Read all about online video, on-demand and live streaming trends. Browse through our guides and articles to extend your knowledge in video! Video Trends blog articles


Encoding vs transcoding

Video trends · 4 min read

What is the difference between Encoding and Transcoding

Encoding and transcoding are video terms that get used interchangeably, but they actually have slightly different meanings. Discover the difference between these terms and learn what transmuxing is too.

Erikka Innes · February 9, 2021

schematic of the video pipeline

Video trends · 5 min read

Common questions about video on demand services

When adding video on demand (VOD) to your application, you might be planning to integrate a number of solutions to create your end to end service. In this post, we'll respond to many questions we receive and show how can be your end-to-end VOD delivery service, rather than fill just one specific need in your pipeline. This can save you development costs and integration issues - since there are fewer moving parts in your video streaming integration.

Doug Sillars · February 9, 2021

screenshot of video

Video trends · 4 min read

What is a Video API?

An end-to-end video API offers the ability to transcode video, deliver it publicly or privately, and play it back with a video player. Many video APIs also offer the ability to retrieve analytics about how your video content is being viewed. The value offered by a video API over a pre-built service is the flexibility and freedom to develop it however you want.

Erikka Innes · February 8, 2021

24 hours sign

Video trends · 5 min read

Creating video "stories"

Apps like Snapchat and Instagram have "video stories" where the videos are visible for 24 hours, and then disappear. Stories are a great way to keep up user engagement, and have users regularly check in (so they do not miss a story). In this post, we'll walk through a demo application that mimics the "story" framework. You'll see how you can easily implement a feature like stories with

Doug Sillars · January 25, 2021

A snowman

Video trends · 4 min read

Do you want to stream a snowman?

There are few things that bring as much joy as the first snowman of winter. Who knew that live streaming the experience would make it even *more* fun??

Doug Sillars · January 19, 2021

So you want to build a video streaming service

Video trends · 4 min read

So you want to build a video streaming service

So, you want to add video to your site. Should you build the video delivery infrastructure yourself? You certainly can, but there is a lot of nuance and complication that you must also manage. In this post, we'll walk through everything you need to build your own streaming service.

Doug Sillars · November 6, 2020

The schematic of a livestream with

Video trends · 7 min read

The anatomy of a livestream

Streaming a live video to anywhere in the world seems like magic, but there is a lot happening to make this happen. In this post, we'll dive into the technology behind how live streaming at works.

Doug Sillars · October 30, 2020

Responsive video

Video trends · 6 min read

Responsive video delivery

I'm often asked, "why should I stream video? Can't I just add the mp4 to my page and be done with it?" The answer is that yes, you can just do this, but it comes at a price to your users. If you add a 1080p video to your website - all your users, no matter the screen size or network throughput, must watch the 1080p video. You want to make your video responsive!

Doug Sillars · August 20, 2020

WebRTC vs Live streaming technology

Video trends · 5 min read

Delivering live video: Streaming vs. WebRTC

At, our video streaming solution uses HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) to live stream video. Another technology we are frequently asked about is WebRTC streaming. In this post, we’ll look at the features and advantages of both, and the primary applications that they are suited for.

Doug Sillars · July 28, 2020

Video dashboard

Video trends · 4 min read

Creating unique video dashboards for individual users

Problem: We have many teachers uploading videos, and we want each teacher to see only their videos on their dashboard. Solution: We make use of’s tagging feature on our backend.

Yitzi · April 30, 2020