Video create


Use Flask with Dropzone.js to upload videos under 128MB

Tutorials ยท 6 min read

Use Flask with Dropzone.js to upload videos under 200 MiB (no client)

Use dropzone.js with Python's flask to create a server you can use to upload videos under 200 MiB to with. This version does not use a client.

Erikka Innes ยท June 22, 2021

Youtube video library screenshot

Tutorials ยท 4 min read

Upload many files at once with HTML and JavaScript

If you can upload one video, why not two, three or more? In this tutorial, we'll extend the code from to upload many videos at once.

Doug Sillars ยท June 7, 2021

Upload a big video file using Python

Tutorials ยท 14 min read

Upload a big video file using Python

If you try to upload big files in Python, a common way to handle them is by breaking them into chunks. This tutorial will show you how to break your file into chunks and send the file for upload to

Erikka Innes ยท February 11, 2021

Photo by <a href="">Designecologist</a> from Pexels

Tutorials ยท 8 min read

Upload a video from your computer with the API (Python)

When you upload videos from your computer, you must use a two step process. First you create a container for your video, then you upload your video into your container. This code sample shows you how!

Erikka Innes ยท February 10, 2021

Delegated token

Tutorials ยท 9 min read

Private video upload with a public token

Public (delegated) tokens allow for video upload without authentication. In this post we'll create a single use public token, and use it to create private, non-downloadable videos.

Doug Sillars ยท December 17, 2020

Tutorials ยท 3 min read

Video upload with cURL can help you simplify your video hosting and delivery. As such, one of the first things you'll want to do is to upload videos and get them loaded into the service. Once you upload the video, we'll take care of transcoding the video in to streams for delivery to your users.

Doug Sillars ยท March 19, 2020

Tutorials ยท 4 min read

Video upload (large videos) with cURL

When uploading large videos, they must be broken into 100MB chunks to ensure delivery. While these also may fail, the amount of time lost is minimised, and the segment can be retried.

Doug Sillars ยท March 10, 2020