Tutorials · 8 min read

What is a webhook?

What is a webhook and how to use webhooks for real-time video management

Answer critical questions like what are webhooks, how they work, and how you can use them for video management.


September 12, 2024

Managing real-time video data and a large video library can quickly become overwhelming without the right tools. That’s where webhooks come in. But what is a webhook exactly?


Think of webhooks as your personal assistant for video management—they instantly notify your system when key events occur, like a live stream starting or a video finishing its encoding. By automating these notifications, webhooks not only allow you to respond to critical events immediately but also enable you to implement event-driven automation. This streamlines your workflows, making video management more efficient and responsive.


Curious about how it works? Let’s look at what webhooks are and how to use webhooks with api.video.

What are webhooks and why do they matter?

A webhook is an HTTP callback request that is triggered when a specific event occurs on a server. It sends data or notifications to a predefined URL, allowing the receiving system to take immediate action.

How do webhooks work?

Webhooks enable different systems to communicate automatically. They consist of three key components:


  • The event: This is the action that triggers the webhook. You can configure events to suit your needs. For example, you might set up a webhook to notify you when a video finishes encoding.
How do webhooks work?

How do webhooks work?

  • The payload: Once the event occurs, the system generates a payload, which is a data packet containing all the relevant details about the event. This could include information such as the event type, video ID, status, and additional metadata. The payload is typically delivered in JSON or XML format.
  • Webhook URL: This is the destination where the payload is sent. This is a unique URL set up in your application to receive and process the data.

Why use webhooks with video APIs?

As web services become more connected, webhooks are now a go-to solution for real-time communication between systems. Often called "reverse APIs," they flip the traditional API model on its head. Instead of you having to constantly ask the server for updates, webhooks notify you automatically when something important happens—eliminating the need for constant polling.


Think of it this way: Polling is like refreshing your inbox every few minutes to check for new emails. Webhooks, on the other hand, are like getting an instant notification when a new email arrives. It’s quicker, more efficient, and saves you a lot of unnecessary effort.


But that’s not all—here are a few more reasons why setting up webhooks should be on your to-do list:


  • Automation: With webhooks, you can automate tasks like updating video statuses or sending notifications to viewers.
  • Improved user experience: You can keep your users in the loop with instant updates on new livestreams, video uploads, and more, enhancing their overall experience.
  • Scalability: As your platform grows, webhooks scale effortlessly, handling increasing volumes of events without compromising performance.


Fun fact: Polling vs pushing: What is the difference?  
Polling is when the client requests updates from a server. Pushing, on the other hand—used by webhooks—automatically sends notifications as soon as an event occurs. The big difference? With polling, you’re checking for updates at set intervals, which can lead to delays or outdated information. It also consumes more time and resources, placing the burden on you. In contrast, pushing shifts the responsibility to the server, which sends data the moment it’s available, making the process faster and more efficient.

Setting up webhooks with api.video

Using webhooks with api.video is simple. We offer four key webhook events that support both video-on-demand and live streaming management needs.

Webhooks for VOD

Webhooks for Video on Demand (VOD) are essential for keeping track of video encoding and ensuring smooth transitions from live stream to playback.


  • video.encoding.quality.completed: This webhook triggers each time a new quality version of your video is encoded, from the lowest to the highest quality. You can also use this for live stream uploads, with metadata that includes the live stream ID.
  • video.source.recorded: If you’ve enabled recording for your live stream, this webhook notifies you when the stream is complete and the recording enters the transcoding queue. It also provides the video ID where the data will be stored.


Refer to our documentation to learn how to create and manage webhooks.

Webhooks for live streams

Webhooks for live streams ensure you’re always in sync with the key moments of your broadcast.


  • live-stream.broadcast.started: This webhook triggers when a live stream broadcast begins, allowing you to notify viewers or start automated actions like recording.
  • live-stream.broadcast.ended: When the live stream ends, this webhook will notify you, making it easy to organize post-stream activities like archiving, follow-up communication, or engaging your audience afterward.


Want to know more about setting webhooks for your live streams? Read on!

How to set up webhooks with api.video

We’ve made setting up webhooks simple so you can focus on what really matters—your content and workflows. Here’s how to get started:

Tutorial showing how webhooks work with api.video
  1. Create an api.video account and log in to access your dashboard.
  2. In your dashboard, navigate to the "Webhooks" tab to begin the setup process.
  3. Set up your server and provide the URL where you want to receive event notifications.
  4. In the form, select the specific events you want to track, like live stream starts or video encoding updates.
  5. Test your webhooks using tools like Pipedream to confirm notifications are being received properly.


Learn how to set up webhooks from your api.video dashboard.


Fun fact: What is synchronous vs. asynchronous flow in webhooks?

Synchronous flow is when the server processes the webhook event immediately and only sends a response back to the source once the processing is complete. While this ensures real-time processing, it can be time-consuming and increase the likelihood of dropped webhooks if the process takes too long. Asynchronous flow is when an asynchronous flow acknowledges the webhook event right away, and then queues it for processing when the system is ready. This reduces response time significantly and helps maintain overall system performance, especially during periods of high traffic.

Integrating webhooks into real-time video management

Once you’ve set everything up, the next step is to monitor, debug, and scale your webhooks for optimal performance based on your application’s needs. Don’t worry—we’ve got you covered with a few helpful suggestions.

Monitoring and debugging webhook and callback events

Monitoring and debugging webhook events help you catch issues early, verify data, and keep your system running smoothly.


Tools for monitoring webhook activity

Luckily, you can keep an eye on your webhook activity with these tools:


  • Postman: Postman offers a robust automated testing suite that allows you to test your webhook endpoints in various environments such as development, staging, or production.
  • Pipedream: Pipedream allows you to generate a URL quickly to capture and inspect incoming webhook requests.


Techniques to set up reliable webhooks


To ensure your webhooks are functioning correctly and delivering accurate data, follow these best practices:


  • Monitor status codes: Ensure your server responds with the correct acknowledgment, such as 200 Success for successful requests and 429 Too Many Requests.
  • Optimize for asynchronous processing: If processing a webhook event takes time (e.g., sending notifications or updating a database), handle it asynchronously. This prevents delays in response and ensures your system can efficiently manage large volumes of webhook traffic.

Scaling webhook and callback usage

Growth is always a positive sign for your application, but it also brings the challenge of managing an increasing number of webhook events. Here are four strategies to help you handle high volumes of webhook traffic:


  • Load balancing: Distribute webhook traffic across multiple servers to prevent any single server from being overwhelmed.
  • Queueing systems: Use a queueing system like RabbitMQ or AWS SQS to process webhook events asynchronously, ensuring smooth operations during traffic spikes.
  • Rate limiting: Implement rate limits to manage incoming requests efficiently and prevent system overload.
  • Horizontal scaling: Add more servers to your infrastructure to handle increasing webhook traffic without compromising performance.


Fun fact: How are callbacks different from webhooks?  
Callbacks are triggered by a client request and happen once, while webhooks are event-driven and continuously send data when something occurs. In short, callbacks are reactive, while webhooks are proactive, automatically pushing updates as events happen. 
Callbacks are triggered by a client request and happen once, while webhooks are event-driven and continuously send data when something occurs. In short, callbacks are reactive, while webhooks are proactive, automatically pushing updates as events happen.

Key takeaways

There you have it—everything you need to know about ‘what is a webhook’ and how it can transform your video management. Webhooks are already a game-changer, but the future of real-time video management looks even more exciting. Emerging technologies like AI, machine learning, and edge computing will further enhance webhooks and callbacks, enabling faster data processing, smarter automation, and improved user experiences.


With this on the horizon, now is the perfect time to explore how webhooks can transform your video projects. Ready to take the next step? Create a sandbox account and start integrating webhooks into your video management strategy today!


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