Case Studies · 3 min read

A closer look at an adult streaming platform's success with

Learn how an adult streaming platform streamed private videos with

Sebastian Marin

April 4, 2024

MintStars is a community-based online adult video streaming platform that empowers creators from diverse backgrounds to independently monetize their content online. The platform caters to models, performers, influencers, entertainers, sex workers and artists, and was created with an aim to provide a space where adult content creators can thrive without the constraints that come with traditional social media platforms. The platform's unique features, such as the ability to track sales and set royalty fees, coupled with the use of cryptocurrency for payments, positions MintStars as a forward-thinking player in the adult content industry.


The adult entertainment industry faces unique challenges that are not usually present in mainstream media.


One of the primary issues is censorship, as many large platforms enforce strict guidelines that prohibit adult content. This not only limits the reach of creators but also affects their ability to monetize their work.


MintStars faced a similar issue.


  • They were worried that the risk of personal exposure and data breaches can have severe consequences for the content creators.

  • Security was another critical aspect, as adult content sites are often targeted by malicious actors looking to exploit vulnerabilities for financial gain or to cause damage to one's reputation.

  • Moreover, the sensitive nature of the videos on Mintstars required robust measures to prevent unauthorized access and distribution, ensuring that creators retain control over their content.

Solution provided MintStars with a suite of tools designed to address the unique challenges of hosting and streaming adult content. The use of Private Upload Tokens ensured that only authorized users uploaded content, maintaining a high level of security and control over who can contribute to the platform.


Check out documentation to read more about private videos.


  • With features like Domain Restrictions, MintStars was able to whitelist specific domains for video playback, thus preventing content from being embedded or shared on unapproved sites.

  • MintStars also leveraged the Watermarking Feature to further protect the intellectual property of content creators. Watermarking allowed creators to embed unique identifiers, such as logos or text, directly into their videos. This not only deterred unauthorized sharing and distribution but also serves as a visible marker of ownership, enhancing brand recognition and preventing piracy.


This feature also helped them add a layer of professionalism to the content, reinforcing the value of the creators' work within the adult video streaming ecosystem.


  • Lastly, by leveraging's free encoding offering, MintStars was able to streamline their operations and pass on these savings to their community of creators, ultimately enhancing their platform's attractiveness and competitiveness in the adult video streaming market.


MintStars has made significant achievements in the adult video streaming space. With over 6,000+ minutes of content hosted and 26,000+ minutes delivered through's Content Delivery Network (CDN), the impact is evident in the numbers.


This high-performance delivery, coupled with's commitment to uptime and playback speed, has contributed to an enhanced viewing experience that is both buffer-free and latency-free. The success of MintStars, supported by's infrastructure, demonstrates the potential for adult content platforms to operate with the same level of sophistication and reliability as mainstream media services.


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