Product updates · 3 min read


Introducing RTMPS: The key to more secure live streams

Make live streaming more secure with our upgraded protocol – RTMPS.

Arushi Gupta

July 25, 2024

As live streaming becomes increasingly popular across various sectors—from entertainment to education and corporate communications—ensuring the privacy and integrity of your content was on our mind since the beginning. While we do support RTMP which is widely supported by all software/hardware in the live-streaming industry, we always wanted to provide a secure version of it.


And so, we are happy to announce that you can now livestream your content safely with the new – Real-Time Messaging Protocol Secure (RTMPS).

How RTMPS is better than RTMP

Real-Time Messaging Protocol or RTMP has been a staple in the live-streaming industry due to its wide support and reliable performance. However, when RTMP transmits data, it may be vulnerable to spying and man-in-the-middle attacks. This means that any intermediary device can potentially intercept and view the live-stream content, posing significant security risks.


RTMPS addresses these vulnerabilities by adding a layer of security through Transport Layer Security (TLS) , similar to HTTPS for websites. Additionally, many streaming services are now making RTMPS mandatory to comply with stringent security standards, making it crucial for streamers to adopt this protocol.

Why is RTMPS important

Many companies are now making it mandatory to use RTMPS for live streaming to enhance security and protect content. For example, Facebook requires the use of RTMPS for all live video streams on its platform to ensure data confidentiality, integrity and protect against any man-in-the-middle attacks. Similarly, YouTube Live has also adopted RTMPS to safeguard streams from potential eavesdropping, providing a secure viewing experience for its vast user base.


This trend reflects a broader industry movement towards increased security standards, ensuring that both creators and viewers can trust the platforms they use.

Live stream using RTMPS or SRT

While the choice to stream using RTMPS or SRT depends on your business’ need, gives you complete flexibility to select either of them before you start your livestream.


If you are yet to make a choice between RTMP and SRT, this blog by our Video Team Lead will surely help you.

How to set up RTMPS using

You can either start your livestream with RTMPS through the dashboard or through the API.

Through the dashboard

Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started with your first livestream on the dashboard:


Step 1: Create an account


If you haven't already, sign-up for an account. This will give you access to the platform's comprehensive suite of live-streaming tools.


Step 2: Generate a stream key


Once logged in, navigate to the live streaming section and generate a stream key. This key is unique to your account and is essential for setting up your live stream.


Step 3: Configure your streaming software


Open your preferred streaming software (e.g., OBS, Wirecast) and configure the stream settings. Enter the RTMPS server URL provided by and your stream key.

Choose your RTMPS URL from the list of URLs in the dashboard

Choose your RTMPS URL from the list of URLs in the dashboard

Step 4: Start streaming


Begin your live stream. The data will now be transmitted securely using RTMPS, ensuring that your content is protected from potential threats.


Step 5: Sit back and enjoy!


Now that your livestream has begun, rest assured that it will run smoothly. You can also restream your content to other channels like YouTube, Twitch, or any other RTMP-enabled platform for more visibility.

Through the API

To start a livestream using the API, take a look at the detailed documentation.


Adopting the RTMPS protocol for your live streams is a crucial step toward ensuring the security and integrity of your content. With, setting up and managing secure live streams is easier than ever. Explore the benefits of RTMPS today!


Sign-up for a sandbox account now and start your first livestream with RTMPS.

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