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What is the video poster HTML5 attribute?
The video poster is the HTML5 attribute for the video tag that defines the image that appears in front of a video before it starts playing.
If no poster tag is defined in the video tag, the browser will display the first frame of the video. Since many videos begin with a black screen, this is not visually appealing, so a different screenshot from the video, or perhaps an unrelated image is used.

The poster tag points to an image:
There is no way to serve alternative formats with the poster tag, so typically a format that is supported in many browsers (like jpg or png) are used.
Note: The poster image is downloaded before the video, so if your video is going to autoplay, this will block the video from loading. Additionally, creating a poster of the first frame of the video is redundant, as the player will do this anyway, and this results in that frame being downloaded twice.
Poster at
- The poster tag is called thumbnail at
- The default thumbnail is selected from the "middle frame" of the video (example: the 15 minute point of a 30 minute video).
Changing the thumbnail
- Set a frame from the video: The pick a thumbnail endpoint sends a timestamp where the image should be extracted from the video and set as the poster.
- Upload a Thumbnail: Upload a jpg image to be used as the video thumbnail.