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Flutter video player from

Easily integrate a video player for videos from in your Flutter application for iOS, Android and Web.

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About Flutter

Flutter is an open-source UI toolkit from Google for building natively compiled applications across mobile, web, and desktop platforms using a single codebase. It's known for its fast development cycle, expressive UI, and support for hot reload, making it popular among developers for building beautiful and responsive apps.

About the Flutter video player from

The player for Flutter is built natively for Android, iOS, and web. It can be implemented on these three platforms easily.

What if you need to display some videos in your next app? At the moment, there aren’t many video players available for Flutter out there. Here comes our solution at!

If you’re new to Flutter or cross-platform development, welcome to this wonderful, fast, and simple world! Create an application once, and use it everywhere!

The player for Flutter is built natively for Android, iOS, and web and can be implemented on these three platforms easily. All you need is a computer and an account.

To go along the Flutter Video Player, check our Flutter Video Uploader.

For more information, check the links below.

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