Video trends · 3 min read

How to monetize your videos with

In stream ads: How to monetize your videos with

This article explores how content creators and publishers can monetize their videos using in stream ads with


May 6, 2024

Content creators and publishers have a wide array of tools to generate revenue from their content. One simple yet effective method is in stream ads. These advertisements are directly inserted into video content, typically at the beginning, middle, or at the end of a video. This type of advertising is common in video-on-demand platforms, where it offers a balance between audience engagement and revenue.

What are in stream ads?

In stream ads are advertisements placed directly within video content. This format aims to ensure that viewers engage with the advertisement as they consume their chosen video. This method is the counterpart of using out-stream ads, which are standalone video ads that do not require any other video content for delivery. Out-stream ads can also appear in non-video environments like online articles or simple webpages, expanding within the content when visible on the screen. While out-stream ads provide flexibility and may reach users who are not actively seeking video content, in stream can generate higher engagement rates due to their placement within relevant video content.

In stream ads on social media platforms

Social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube effectively utilize in stream ads to monetize video content. In stream ads can help marketers on Facebook reach their targeted audience within video streams, with a higher chance of the ad being relevant to the viewers’ interest. YouTube employs in stream ads that viewers can sometimes skip after a few seconds, a model that has become standard across many video platforms. These in stream ads are tailored to both the content of the video they are embedded in and the users' viewing history. This optimizes the chances for engagement and click-through.

In stream ads vs. out-stream ads

While in stream ads engage users who are already watching a video, out-stream ads have the advantage of flexible placement - you can embed them across any visible space on a website. However, the engagement metrics for in stream ads usually surpass those of out-stream ads because they are non-disruptive when placed correctly, and target an already captive audience during video playback.

Monetize with in stream ads through

If you are a content creator looking to implement in stream advertising, provides a standard solution that integrates seamlessly with your existing video-on-demand content. You can use industry standard URL parameters to set up your in stream ads through VAST, VPAID, or VMAP ad tags. Leverage's platform to insert pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll ads into your videos, and capitalize on higher viewer engagement rates to potentially increase your revenue. supports the integration of in stream ads with minimal disruption to the viewer experience, ensuring that your content remains engaging and profitable. For detailed guidance on setting up in stream ads with, check out the documentation about in stream ads.


In stream advertising is an important tool to monetize your video content. Social media platforms like YouTube and Facebook are prime examples for successful ad integration, and enables you with similar capabilities to enhance your revenue streams, all while maintaining a positive viewer experience.

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