A global video infrastructure that’s reliable, secure, and scalable

Choose a video streaming provider you can trust, whether you have a few thousand or millions of video views

No credit card needed. Get started in seconds.




playback speed


points of presence


Scalable to meet your demand can scale quickly to meet your demand. You never need to worry about a spike in traffic as we can scale up and down as much as you want

ultra fast

Ultra-fast encoding

Get free video encoding with ASICs - an innovative hardware-based encoding that is faster, greener, and cheaper than CPU-based encoding by an order of magnitude


Reliable at all times

Guaranteed service availability of 99.9%. Your videos are always stored in two or more data centers so that server failures never result in loss of data. Our storage provides 99.999999999% (eleven nines!) durability


Deliver videos and live streams anywhere with a global edge network

Use a robust CDN with a vast network of 140+ Points of Presence (POPs) worldwide.

Video point of presence on a world map

Get an infrastructure free of complexities

Video streaming is not easy. You either need to configure complex cloud providers such as AWS/Google Cloud or build and maintain your own infrastructure from scratch. Both options are time-consuming, high-maintenance, and expensive.

Get rid of all the complexities with that has a simple, ready-to-use API and an infrastructure that can scale with your usage.

simple video infrastructure

Meet specific data residency and compliance requirements

Decide whether you want to store your videos in the United States or European Union at no additional cost.

Remain compliant with local laws and provide faster performance for your team and users.

region selection map

Ensure security of your videos by default

Have a sound sleep at night as you choose for your videos.

With token-based private videos, custom domains, AES Encryption, we’ll ensure that your videos are secure by all means.

secure video files

Join 200+ platforms building stunning video experiences

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Can you serve content close to my region?
Can I store my content close to my customers?
How secure is your video infrastructure?