
Follow along these tutorials using api.video

Dive into our collection of tutorials, from learning on how to use api.video, building clones, to quick integrations. Whether you're a getting started or already building video-centric products, check our step-by-step guides.

api.video blog tutorials


Extract Frames

Tutorials ยท 2 min read

Extract a set of frames from a video with FFMPEG and Python

Extract a set of images (frames) from your video that are evenly spaced throughout using FFMPEG and Python. If you want, at the end you can stitch the frames back together into a video that can be used as a video preview or trailer.

Erikka Innes ยท April 22, 2021


Tutorials ยท 2 min read

When your token expires, hit refresh and protect your API key

Use refresh tokens to avoid exposing your api credentials when your access token expires.

Erikka Innes ยท April 21, 2021

plot of views

Tutorials ยท 13 min read

Using analytics to analyze where to edit a video

Learn how to use some simple pandas commands and analytics visualization tools to figure out where a video could be edited or improved upon.

Erikka Innes ยท April 19, 2021

Create a Thumbnail For Your Video with Python and FFMPEG

Tutorials ยท 5 min read

Create a thumbnail for your video with Python and FFMPEG

Learn how to create a single thumbnail for your video and add it using FFMPEG and Python!

Erikka Innes ยท April 14, 2021

Photo by Fausto Marquรฉs on Unsplash

Tutorials ยท 3 min read

Choose a thumbnail with api.video's pick a thumbnail endpoint

Learn how to use api.videos pick a thumbnail endpoint to choose a thumbnail to display without having to upload an image separately. Also includes where to find the video duration.

Erikka Innes ยท April 13, 2021

pichart of operating systems

Tutorials ยท 3 min read

api.video Analytics: Create a pie chart showing what operating system is most popular to view

Using D3, Observable, and Python, we'll create a pie chart showing what operating system is most popular to view video content with.

Erikka Innes ยท April 12, 2021

A map showing viewer density per city using api.video data, Observable, Geocoding, and Open Layers

Tutorials ยท 6 min read

Api.video Analytics: Add markers representing viewer density per city to a map with Observable

Learn how to add a circle representing live stream viewership per city on a map using api.video, Open Layers, and Observable.

Erikka Innes ยท April 11, 2021

speech bubble

Tutorials ยท 7 min read

Building record.a.video part 4: Using the WebSpeech API for live captioning

The Web Speech API converts audio into text, in near real time, allowing to create 'instant' captions for any video being created in the app. This is an experimental API that only works in Chrome, but was so neat, I included it in record.a.video, because the idea of live captions was just too hard to resist!

Doug Sillars ยท April 9, 2021

choropleth, apivide, api.video, data analytics

Tutorials ยท 6 min read

Api.video Analytics: Build a Choropleth Map (and find out what one is)

Build a choropleth showing viewer density by country with Python and Observable!

Erikka Innes ยท April 8, 2021

Building record.a.video part 3: the MediaRecorder API

Tutorials ยท 13 min read

Building record.a.video part 3: the MediaRecorder API

As we continue our series on creating record.a.video, I'll discuss the MediaRecorder API, where I create a video stream from the browser canvas to create the output video. This output stream then feeds into the video upload (for video on demand playback) or the live stream (for immediate and live playback).

Doug Sillars ยท April 7, 2021